Friday, 29 May 2015

The Tallest Man On Earth - Dark Bird Is Home MA

May Album

Notable albums this month come from Best Coast, Du Blonde, Hop Along, Brandon Flowers and more but my favourite is the 4th studio album from The Tallest Man On Earth called Dark Bird Is Home. Through listening to the album, I fall for everything he sings about even if at first I don't fully understand that what he is singing about. After multiple listens I was hooked and in the palm of his hand like warm putty. This is just a testament to him as a lyricist and a musician who has the ability to convey strong messages in the short limited length of a song. I hope you enjoy the whole album in the video below as much as I do.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Bourbon Makers: Gildas DasViken YTV

26/05/15 YouTube Video

This weeks video is about a really interesting luthier from Nantes, France. He shows off some of the breath taking guitars that he has made and restored (more can be viewed on his site here: ). What really excites me about the guy is that he doesn't just use wood and other materials that normal luthiers would use when making a guitar but he uses wood that has a story or an interesting history about it and would not conventionally be used for a guitar. He also offers more than just custom guitar design, from looking at his website he can do a whole range of small custom changes and modifications, more than you could want and dream for for your guitar. Really cool guy and totally inspiring to me. Enjoy!

Thursday, 21 May 2015


SoundCloud Song

Bringing back A Day In The Life into the modern era is this (free downloadable) track from London based Storms. The instrumental line has a Beatlesy vibe with the vocals including hints of Peace but they bring something extra special to it and make it sound totally unique and their own. Yet another exciting British band producing killer tracks and I hope to hear more soon from these boys. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

The Milk Carton Kids - Poison Tree YTV

19/05/15 YouTube Video

This week has seen an influx of great albums being released like the fourth release from The Milk Carton Kids, Monterey. This track closes the album and does it in a gentle and stylish way. A simple and eloquent song needing not much more than guitars and a voice to produce such a great song. Enjoy!

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Duesenberg Caribou DOTM

Design Of The Month

I would like to thank the guys at Andertons for bringing this brand back into my mind. I heard about Duesenberg Guitars firstly when they created a Johnny Depp signature model, but since then they seemed to have slipped out of my brain. Until today with the video from the Andertons YouTube channel reviewing this beautiful Duesenberg Caribou. Below are several variations on the design but my personal favourite is the second one from the top with the 3 pickups (one humbucker and 2 split coils), gold pickguard, brand own tremolo system and that sensational shade of aqua blue. From the whole design I get a real retro, cool feel and obvious well made construction that would make the guitar an absolute dream to play.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Pins - Young Girls YTV

12/05/15 YouTube Video

My final assessment was over as of yesterday afternoon. Now only the degree show to prepare for till uni is officially over. And what better way to get me excited for the summer than this Pins track. The video makes me long for an adventure with good mates and memories of having a good time in the park and barbecues. Who knows where I will end up this summer and what I will be doing but if this is sound tracking it then the times will always be great. Enjoy!

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Pinact - Scars SCS

SoundCloud Song

It is the beginning of the end for me. This dreary Thursday morning I handed in my uni presentation in preparation for showing on the following Monday.What better way to round off the week that a quick dose of Scottish loveliness in the form of Pinact. The two piece have produced a catchy and heavy (without being over the top) tune to raise my spirits for the long weekend of rehearsals ahead. The two piece rock band scenario seems to be quite saturated at the moment but these guys are definitely rising to the top in my book. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Blur & Jimmy Fallon - Tender YTV

05/05/15 YouTube Video

It has been a while since I heard this song and upon hearing it today, it rekindled a flame in the back of my memory somewhere. Memories of good times and sing-a-longs with friends. It is nice to hear it done acoustically and I am not sure exactly if Jimmy Fallon adds much apart from the awkward high vocals but he is enough of a legend just getting this video recorded and posting it online for everyone to hear. Coxon soloing on the resonator guitar was my personal highlight. I hope you dig it as much as me. Enjoy!