Friday, 7 August 2015

Veruca Salt, Jason Isbell & White Reaper JA

July Albums

July has been another great mixed bag of album releases. So much so that I have chosen 3 favourites for this month.

Veruca Salt - Ghost Notes

First is the 5th album from the Chicago band Veruca Salt. I enjoyed listening to this because after 5 albums in, they have kept a punk sound without sounding like they are rehashing the same old sound. From song to song there is a diversity that keeps things feeling fresh and exciting and loud.

Jason Isbell - Something More Than Free

Again this is another 5th release from the artist. A bit of a different sound compared to the last one. The whole album has a gentle and non abrasive feel whilst singing heart felt and passionate songs. My personal stand out tracks are How To Forget and Children of Children. These seem to be the most emotional and sung with underlining feeling. Luckily they are paired back to back.

White Reaper - White Reaper Does It Again

My final favourite is the first full length from White Reaper. These guys know how to make a first impact. Straight out of the gate they pack a punch that lasts throughout the whole album. They pack 12 great rock songs into 33 Minutes. I hope you enjoy these as much as I have and will do in the future.

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