I've said it before and I'll say it again, my posts are better appreciated late than never. At least it is another reason that helps me go to sleep at night. So anyway yet another absolutely fabulous month of musaac from the likes of Johnny Foriegner, The Julie Ruin, Biffy Clyro and many more to all be checked out HERE. Without any further ado let's start the countdown.
First up at the number 3 position is the self titled Viola Beach album. These guys have produced 9 tracks of jangle-tastic indie rock delight which gives me hints of a more mainstream Peace, which ain't no bad thing. The LP as a whole seems to fly by with charm and sunshine and leaves me constantly in a good mood. Be sure to watch the video below, then go get the record!

In the second place is Blink-182s California. I knew I could count on these guys for another cracking album. Despite the recent line up changes the Blink boys have rarely/never left me disappointed when it comes to the music. Having been released early on in the month, I have listened to this album repeatedly some would say too much. But that should be taken as pure signs to how good the music is. Straight up power blasting out of the gate, you know you are listening to Blink-182 with their classic vocals and musical style that most 20-somethings have become accustomed to. The only rest-bites come from the midway mark Built This Pool and the final Brohemian Rhapsody. Check out the absolute banger Bored To Death below!

And at number Juan with a bullet is NEEDTOBREATHEs Hard Love. This LP easily was my top pick, mainly due to the song Great Night which is the video below. I have equally impressed and shocked myself with the amount I have listened to it over and over again. It must be some kind of magic witchcraft that NTB and Shovels & Rope combined produce that got me so hooked. The rest of the album isn't any slacker either. If Great Night is 12/10 the rest is a solid 10/10 for sure. Melodic and catchy most of the way through, balancing the line of ballady belters and heartfelt jams this is one well crafted album, check them out below!

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