We are as of this second, well in to October 2016 and you definitely wouldn't have guessed it if you have just finished watching my number one video for this week: Bad Decisions by Two Door Cinema Club. It is filled to the brim with all of the Neo-Technic referenced goodness that the 80's had to offer. A variable pick and mix pouch from classic movies, video games and more. And what better way to soundtrack this than a synthy electronic belter that grows to include some wailing banshee guitar lines. Safe to say, since Friday I have listened to this track 50 strong times. Enjoy!
What a month, what a selection. It kicked of with Angel Olsen and Jamie T, ventured through The Head And The Heart and Deap Vally and finished up the month with Public Access T.V. and Wyatt Blair amongst many others. September had some absolute corkers and you can check out my whole playlist HERE.
Kicking off my top 3 is Writing Of Blues And Yellows by Billie Marten. Due to a Google Music cock-up, I initially listened to the deluxe version of the album in a mixed up order and heard the alternative version of Milk & Honey before the released single version and I have to say I think it is better than the original, so now it has a permanent spot starting the introduction to the album. The LP as a whole has quite the mellow vibe with the odd occasion heading to the more haunting side of life. And lest we not forget this is just the debut and I think Billie is going to continue to rise as a great musician and songwriter. Check out the video for simply poetic Bird below.
In the second spot is the man, myth and or legend Mr Jamie T with his 4th release Trick. As a fan of all of his previous work, I was unsure what to expect with this new release but I knew it would be exciting and potentially more experimental that his previous. He did not disappoint that is for sure. Straight from the first track Tinfoil Boy (video below) there is a dark tone which goes throughout the LP with abrasive instrumentation and strong, powerful lyrics that all take from a variety of genres to make an interesting mixture. I was pleased that there were the lighter more cheery tracks in there with the likes of Tescoland and a couple of my personal favourites Robin Hood and the epic Joan Of Arc. If you haven't listened to Trick yet, where have you been!
My absolute number Juan is No Burden by Lucy Dacus. An LP that flows with an effortless ease, beautifully narrated by Lucy herself. It truly seems like a collection of chapters taken straight out of her journal. Personal, heartfelt and emotional with the right amount of power when the track calls for it, No Burden pushes my personal feelings right to the brink of where they need to be without going too far and even more importantly, without sounding forced or false. Which might I add, can easily ruin an album. And yet another perfect example of a great debut LP with high expectations from me for where she is going to go next. Enjoy the smashing single below!
October is here and I have been a slight bit absent of late mainly due to work commitments. What better way to enjoy the start of Autumn than cracking on with the long awaited debut from Public Access TV, and more specifically this track End Of An Era. Jangly guitar straight out of the metaphorical gate that is guaranteed to get your hips swayin' and feet tappin' if you are that way inclined. Plus the addition of catchy lyrics in the verse and chorus make for quite the addictive track that is part of an equally addictive album. Enjoy!