// Jeff Rosenstock //
Long Island, Last Album Release Oct '16
About Jeff
A NY born boy with a great drive for all things alternative. Throughout his career to date, Mr Rosenstock has gone from strength to progressive strength. His time with the bands Bomb The Music Industry! and The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches through the mid to late 00's was in no way lazy, releasing upwards of 6 LPs collectively with the bands and in his (what I can presume little) spare time starting the first donation based record label Quote Unquote Records. QUR has been steadily releasing brilliant music ever since its creation, from bands such as the amazing Hard Girls which I am a recent and extremely grateful convert to.
Now lets get into the proper juicy stuff, his 3 solo releases; I Look Like Shit, We Cool? and WORRY (pictured chronologically below). ILLS and WE show the honing of his craft, each LP growing in style and finesse, taking whats brilliant and carrying that forward. His latest release which came out just last October was how I first got to find out about his music, mainly by the track Festival Song which popped up on the ever current KVRX. Keeping all the Pop-Punk goodness from his previous releases and delivering just short of 3 minutes of bouncy, passionate tuneage for your ears. One of the lead singles Blast Damage Days is featured below so be sure to check it out. Overall WORRY shows that his talent is no where close to slowing down and I'm 100% behind wherever he chooses to go next. Keep up the good work!

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