It has been a long time coming but now it has arrived... a new AATI EP. Entitled 'Cash, Gold and Radio Controlled' it is a 4 track strong release that comes across as punchy as you like. The lead single 'Reaper' (below) is a jagged little number that does sway more on the morbid side of life that wouldn't be out of place sound-tracking some morally twisted fairytale.
The rest of the EP keeps things fresh by straying to the sunnier side of the street. Party For Two being a relatively straight up romantic song, well as close as you would want AATI to get. Jangly indie pop with catchy choruses. Nuff said.
If PFT is the night before, then Rock, Paper, Scissors is for sure the morning after. Anthemic with ease, this track is my personal favourite off of the whole EP. Driving guitar riffs and drum lines make the track flow by with charm, plus the addition of great, ear worm worthy lyrics make this number a clear soon to be crowd favourite.
This Time Next Year is short shortest song coming in at well under the 2 minute mark, but it is easily the most powerful. Strong, strong vocals and simple yet energetic drum/guitar work will keep your head nodding and feet tapping well into the 10th or 11th relisten.
Be sure to buy a copy at all good music purchasing locations and love the EP for yourself.