Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Isle Of Wighttt + More

As a few festivals line ups have been released, I figured I would take a look and see which festivals line up sounds the best, and what's going on.
Straight away initially you can see some names that are clearly doing the rounds this summer: Ben Howard, Jake Bugg, The Vaccines, Emelie Sande and Alt-J to name but a few. Obviously not all of them I'm interested in or I think would make particularly good live performers but I would definitely love to see The Vaccines on a main stage and I think Jake Bugg would be brilliant in like a larger tent for a more intimate feel.

It does seem a thing this summer so far for a big female as one of the headliners, seeing as T In The Park have got Rihanna on the bill along with The Killers and Mumford & Sons, and V Fest has Beyonce with Kings of Leon. Reading and Leeds have only released a handful of artists but it will be interesting to see who they put in the headlining slots. There is so much hype for who is going to be headlining Glasto, quite a few huge names have been thrown around but as of yet no confirmed artists. I really wished I managed to pick up tickets :( stupid popularity. Another festival worth a mention is Boardmasters. A slightly smaller fest than most but is awesome with The Vaccines, Everything Everything and Cosmo Jarvis playing. And in such a beautiful location right by the sea. Awesome!

My favourite festival line up so far happens to be the same as last year, which was surprise surprise Isle Of Wight.For a start, they've got your big names: The Stone Roses & The Killers, they've got the older crowd draw with Bon Jovi, Boomtown Rats and Blondie (which is fuckin' awesome) and fresh newish bands like Palma Violets, Everything Everything and Bastille. Plus loads of other bands, check it out!!!!:

I've also been listening to the General Fiasco album Unfaithfully Yours pretty much non stop for the past week. Great album by a great band, for sure worth a listen.

Thursday, 21 February 2013


Last Thursday evening i went to see FIDLAR play in the 02 Academy 3. I have to say I prefer the smaller venues especially for bands like this because you get a more intimate feel with the band and even standing at the opposite side of the room from the stage, you are still really close and you can see and hear everything pretty easily. That is to say as long as no huge men decide to stand right in front of you when there is easily enough room anywhere else not obstructing anyones view grrr.
If there is anything that can make you feel old. The majority of the crowd was 15 year old boys. And to make matters worse when they played any song with even the slightest bit of energy, the kids started doing borderline gay action I.E. hopping around against somebody they don't know and who are quite happily just standing watching the show.
The show was extremely fast paced and full of energy which was to be expected with the main set lasting about 45 mins. They played all the hits from the album you would want to hear and it was funny to see the lead singer embracing the UK in a Union Jack tee. They were for sure one of my favourite live performances and I am interested to see where their next album will take them, be that staying in the same vein as the debut or experimenting in some other area, who knows? But I'm excited. :)

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

New Time, New Music

It seems like there is an influx of new music coming onto my radar. At least new music to me. Firstly I've been listening to the Jim James song A New Life. This song has a proper dreamy feel to it. And once the song gets into it, it has a really good and catchy beat.

I've also been listening to the folk stylings of The Staves after hearing an interview with Jo Whiley. They have released a few EPs and one proper album late last year which I want want want!

A band called Little Green Cars from which I have heard only a couple of songs from recently but they are another good sounding group.

I also can not wait for the Sound City DVD to be released, it sounds proper epic.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

BBC Radio 6 Music

Basically I want to show my fondness for the radio station that is BBC Radio 6 Music. It is one of my favorite radio stations ever and easily my favorite BBC radio station. They play a great mix of music from all different decades. Mainly quality rock and alternative music which is the genres I like the most. This week there are live music sessions at Maida Vale. Just yesterday The Strypes played a great set and The Foals & Everything Everything and more will be playing later on in the week which is gonna be brilliant.

One band that I have found out about through the station is Mama Rosin. Song to check out:

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Foals, Fidlar & Local Natives

Well, I have been meaning to post for a while now and have only just got a decent amount of spare time. Exciting news! Earlier this morning I received an email telling me the Fidlar album was on its way. Hopefully the rest of the album are as good as the singles I've heard so far :) and seeing them live is getting even closer so that will be awesome!

I also have just purchased both the Foals and Local Natives debut albums and yes I know I'm a couple of years behind but seeing as their both releasing new albums, I figured I should catch up.