My design choice for this post is the Pono Player. I know it has done the rounds on the news etc and I'm aware that the majority of music lovers would have heard at least a whisper about it by now but I just wanted to show my adoration for this product.
My feelings for this design are less about the physical shape of the product (yes it is a triangular prism and not everything that shape reminds me of Toblerone :)) and more about what the claims are in terms of software and more specifically the quality of the sound files that it will be able to play and store etc. After a bit of research and watching a few vids featuring a wide range of great musicians endorsing this I learnt that the quality will be much greater than that of CDs and MP3s and out of good quality speakers you can hear so much more of the sound, alike what they want you to here when they are in the studios producing the records which is really exciting.
I have totally fallen for this device and have donated to the Kickstarter campaign which has so so so easily overtaken it's target it is ridiculous. So hopefully with this great injection of cash they can retail the device slightly cheaper so a wider audience can enjoy it.
If you have any opinions on this product, I would be interested to hear them if you want to leave a comment below.